Build a strong foundation, make the world your playground

A project uniting young, ambitious individuals world wide, in a grand endeavor, to achieve our ambitions.

Mount. Endeavr, the mountain of achievement, the hero's journey

Limited Time, only 86 Seats
Total. Become a Founding Member.
Claim Founding Benefits

Dream, Learn,

A project uniting young,
ambitious individuals world wide,
in a grand endeavr,
to achieve our ambitions.

Limited Time, only 86 Seats Total
Become a Founding Member
Claim Founding Benefits

Mount. Endeavr, the mountain of achievement, the hero's journey

Wanting more, but feeling stuck

Each day feels like a missed chance to reach your potential. You deeply want more in life, but fall back to consuming media and doing stuff you regret.
Being stuck, but wanting more, wanting change -
How do you master temptations and live with intention?

Feeling behind

Feeling behind on work, studies, projects, and goals is one of the most frustrating things for a driven individual. It can leave you feeling discouraged and distant from your dreams.
How it feels without a solid foundation -
How do you build the life you really want?

Not living up to expectations

Your own and others' expectations, can feel like a prison, and limit your motivation and ability to get what you really want.
Societal pressures -
How do you excel and crush expectations despite the pressure?

Stuck in a Rut, Lacking Progress?

Many young individuals like you are trying to level up but aren't seeing the progress they crave. Here is the solution that helped.
Endeavr, transformation

Unf#ck your brain, learn to win in life

The project employs cutting-edge techniques and psychological strategies designed to ignite your drive, and progress towards success!

Feel Alone in Your Quest for Success?

If you're a young, ambitious individual seeking more out of life, you've probably felt isolated in your journey, since most people are content being average.
Endeavr, transformation

Great Community In development

Once our community platform launches, you will get access to like minded high achievers to network and collaborate with.

Terrified of Wasted Potential?

The fear of wasted potential can be paralyzing. It's common to feel stuck, wanting more but unsure how to get there.
Endeavr, transformation

Live life at the highest level

Through the project, you will develop the essential meta skills needed for succeeding in any endeavor you choose, unleashing your full potential.


To help you WIN.

Energizing Body

Have all the energy you need for your endeavors.

Build a strong body, with proven principles.

Have more time to achieve and build your dream, with longevity for young individuals.

Solid Systems

Your own DES (Digital Executive System), leveraging computers with perfect memory to save time and reduce stress.

Easy and effective habits, that make results inevitable.

Effective Mind

Shape mindsets and beliefs that are powerful in modern life.

Practical wisdom, philosophy and insights.

Defend against exploitation in modern society.

I Want to Join

Before it's too late

"An online UK stress survey has found that six out of ten young people aged 18–24 have felt so stressed by the pressure to succeed they have felt unable to cope."
- Mental health foundation, UK

What is achievable with a proper foundation vs without -

Founder's Story

"I always wanted a better life for myself and my close relatives, but I felt stuck. I wanted to do something great with my life, but for some reason, I just couldn't. I was a young ambitious man with talents and dreams, but nothing to show for it. But over years of struggle, I found and built a solid foundation, that helped me get what I wanted: from A grades and a muscular body, to a salary as big as my much older colleagues' and eventually starting my own business.
I want to share this project with you, because I believe it can help you too."

- Magnus Fortmane, Project Leader

Magnus Fortmane - Founder of

What is a Founding Member?

The project is currently cutting edge and only a few can get early access. The first 86 folks who jump on board become Founding Members of the project, and get valuable benefits.

Limited to
Only 86 Seats

Why 86? To make sure we can give high value to everyone who joins, we have decided to limit the available early access spots.

What Founding Members get:

We want to give you some extra cool stuff:

  • Influence on decision making.
  • Exclusive Founders’ NFT.
  • Direct contact and call with the project leader.
View the Founders' NFT

What is a Founding Member?

We're cooking up something special, and you're invited to be part of it. The first 86 folks who jump on board become Founding Members of the project.

Only 86 Seats

Why 86? Our infrastructure can currently handle 86 members, since we're still developing the project and want to give you the best experience possible. Your early involvement will help us grow and make this even more awesome. That’s why we want to award you exclusive benefits, on top of full, life time access to the project for a special value-price.

What Founding Members get:

  • Huge impact on the project itself.
  • Influence on decision making.
  • Exclusive & unique Founders’ NFT.
  • Founding Recognition.
  • Reserved space in the future Hall of Fame.
View the Founders' NFT


Shifting to excellence with a foundation for success - ENDEAVR.ioHow it feels to have a solid foundation, driving solid results - ENDEAVR.ioA solid foundation for a high pressure society -
I Want to Invest

Before it's too late:

After the 86 seats have been filled, access will close.

The project is strategically crafted around the Pareto Principle, enabling members to focus on the 20% that drives 80% of the results.

Endeavr, Pareto Principle
GlobeStrategic thinkingTime is of the essencePrize
Endeavr, pyramid, hierarchy, achievement, get ahead of 99% of people

From developing essential meta skills and mindsets that will set you up for success in any endeavor,
to understanding the core principles of health, longevity, habit-building, and critical thinking,
the project is designed to provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to thrive and live life on the highest level.

Project History

100’s of hours building platform

Founder wants more in life, creates personal project, February 19th 09:25 am

1000’s of hours researching

$1000’s of dollars invested

1st version complete

Open for applications

Valuable to many individuals, personal project turned international

100’s of hours writing content

Improved version complete

Founders' Launch January 1st

The Founder

Brief founder story: Magnus Bakke
Project builder since Infancy
Low effort, High score Student
First business at 11 YO
Restaurant Operator at 17 YO
Marathon Runner at 17 YO
Founder and Team leader of Endeavr
Chronic self-improver and achiever
Ambitious, as you know

Your first achievement

The Future

Powerful tools, more content and a strong community is currently in the works.

A great future, with new opportunities to have an impact on the world, awaits.

A movement of powerful individuals with  determination to create something profound.

Everything you get access to:

Value: €69

A Foundation of Steel


Total Value: €69

In this evolution you will take your first steps in building your foundation. It covers essential ideas and principles that you need, to get the most out out the project. It's establishing the fundamentals to set you up for success.

natural progression

The standard price for this evolution in an ambitious corporate setting is €295-695. But, for you, I've evaluated it at a fraction of that price: €69

Value: €99

Boot Camp

Launching soon

Total Value: €175

The 7 day Boot Camp, is where the warrior within you will be trained. It has been designed to get you out of a rut, and to enhance traits like willpower, perseverance and resiliency.

Getting out of a rut with an inspiring challenge to turn things around -

As a physical workshop this would reasonably run for €795-1695. As a digital evolution, I reevaluate it at a fraction of that price: €99

Value: €215

Digital Executive System (DES)

In development

Total Value: €383

Learn to take full control over your digital life. Minimize stress,  optimize performance and security by building your digital brain and being.

Endeavr, second brain, never forget, automate trivial tasks

I've personally spent €1000's on these systems and used 100's of hours on research. For you, I've valued this section at a fraction of that cost: €215

Value: €299

Peak Physique

In development

Total Value: €682

Take full control of your health, learn how to build a great physique, and learn how to become hard to kill.

how to build a chiseled physique

80+ hours of research, 572+ hours of pain, training without satisfying results. Until I cracked the code. Get everything I learned through my journey, without the pain. Value: €299.

Value: €169

Longevity for young individuals

In development

Total Value: €851

The longevity space is complex if you're young since it often focuses on the elderly. But here you get the 80/20 you need, to give yourself the best chance of making it to a 100 years or more.

Basic longevity principles for young individuals -

How much is a long and healthy life worth? It's impossible to put price on. I would argue it's worth far more than even €16900. But let's be reasonable and valuate it at a high-value price of €169.

Value: €189

Habit Building

In development

Total Value: €1040

Life runs on routines based on habits, controlled by cycles. Don't let them consistently ruin you, take control and use them to consistently build yourself up.

Endeavr, Habit stack

Build a system that makes achievement inevitable. This is how you become unstoppable.

Value: €379

Unbeatable Mindset

In development

Total Value: €1419

Your mindset can be your most valuable asset. It directly influences how you live life and your probability of a good outcome in any given situation.

Endeavr, unlock your mindset. Mindset greatly influences the outcome of your efforts

If you took everything away from Elon Musk and Warren Buffet, all their assets and $billions, could they bounce back? Yes, and the reason is mindset.

Value: €289

The Mental Game

In development

Total Value: €1708

2000 years of wisdom, key concepts to create the life you want to have, and how to master your mentality.

Endeavr, Don't become a slave to the system, use it

A fool never learns.
A smart person learns from his mistakes.
A wise person learns from the mistakes of others.

Value: €89

Lab of Life

In development

Total Value: €1797

Optimize your routines, diets, productivity techniques and more to your specific needs. It gives you an advantage nobody can copy.

Customize solutions to suit you perfectly with the scientific method -

Not everything works for everyone. Discover precisely what makes you the best you can be. Then apply what works specifically for you.

Value: €110

Exploitation Defense

In development

Total Value: €1907

Learn about manipulation and natural human weaknesses to defend yourself against politicians, colleagues, salesmen, and others who want to exploit you.

Endeavr natural human weaknesses and how to defend yourself

Don't be controlled by other people who don't have your best interest at heart.

Value: €75

World Dynamics

In development

Total Value: €1982

Better understand the world around you, and make more accurate decisions.

Endeavr, the dynamics of the world and the people in. Don't get screwed

A more accurate view of reality gives you the ability to make better decisions and to better understand complex situations.

Value: €397

Misson Critical

In development

Total Value: €2379

Find your mission. The thing that brings you excitement and joy. The thing that matters to you, the thing you can dedicate your excellence to. Fx, it is my mission to be a force for good through this project.

2 possible futures, the one you want and the one you don't -

Having a mission gives you that fantastic feeling of purpose. It makes you happier, more motivated, reduces perceived pain, and it has even been shown that people with purpose, live longer and healthier lives.

Now is the time

Foundation of Steel


Boot Camp




Peak Physique




Habit Building


Unbeatable Mindset


Mental Game


Lab of Life


Exploitation Defense


World Dynamics


Mission Critical




All future tools


All included for

€2379 €64 Founders' Special

€12  €0 per month, for life

Life Time Access, VAT included

Everything that is included in, the ultimate self improvement-project.

All included for

€2379 €64 Founders' Special

€12  €0 per month, for life

Life Time Access, VAT included

I Want to Invest in my Future

Limited: only available until the 86 seats are filled

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